Monday, February 27, 2012

This post was taken from a Blog Page called "Ever A Bible Missionary" by wasabiblemissionary.  The site appears to have been abandoned, so I am borrowing her experience.  I hope wasabiblemissionary will be ok with me borrowing her post to help anyone who was, like me, an innocent victim of the Bible Missionary Church in the 1950's and 1960's  "Hello -Have you ever been a member of the Bible Missionary Church? I was. I was thrown into that denomination as a 13 year old. I never knew what my father was getting me in to - but he had already been involved in that church since I was about 7 years old and I had lived with my mother.  He gained custody of me and my siblings - oh my. My life was forever changed! I was afraid! There were some wonderful people in that church - but my father was someone to be feared! We were to NEVER make a mistake! I guess if I had grown up in that denomination, it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but NO! I was born and almost completely raised in the WORLD (as dad would put it!).  
I FEARED God - literally! I thought that if I did not go down to the altar and ask God to forgive me EVERY time there was an altar call - that God would cast me off as he did Satan and I would burn forever in hell! Wow! I was brainwashed that once I asked God for forgiveness, I had to live a "perfect" christian life or I would backslide and go to hell! Then I would have to be sanctified and I would never sin again! Can you belive it!  I wore long dresses with long sleeves and high collars - Little House on the Prairie! Showing an elbow was a "sin". My sister and I used to laugh at that!  After looking back on the past, I realize that the church was a cult. They judge everyone - if you don't look like them you are a sinner. It is so sad! It took me a while - but I know I didn't have to go through all of that to gain God's love. He loves me unconditionally! I don't have to beg God to save my soul! All I had to do was ask, believe and confess! So simple!"


  1. Wow and just to think you lived to tell about it amazing. Hey join all that crowd who belly ache and moan and cling to bitterness. Or get Saved and move on. Guess what BMC is still alive and well and has Gods Divine Presence but hey who am I to sound like you are thoroughly enjoying your Current blissful relationship with God. :-) smile Jesus loves you even still.

    1. Your church is a cult. end of story. Religious sects like yours are a dime a dozen. Groups like yours have been around forever. Trying to control people and their $$$ and their lives...stealing any joy people can have in this world. I hope that someday you will have the courage to honestly QUESTION your little sect, the way you would question other religions that you deem not the truth. I was in a religious group just like yours and I'm so glad I got out and saw the light!! Maybe someday you will too. ;)
